Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Calling all Iron Man fans

It has been announced today that Robert Downy Jr. has extended his deal with Marvel, so we’ll be seeing a lot more of him as Tony Stark in the future. This means that there will now be at least two sequels to last Summer’s fantastic Iron Man. Good News.

However, what is even more exciting is that we will also see ‘Bob’ in The Avengers, which is scheduled for release in 2011. Don Cheadle, who will replace Terrence Howard as Stark's right-hand man, James Rhodes, will also appear.

This is the first major casting announcement for the Avengers and, in my humble opinion, it’s a great one. Choosing Robert Downy Jr. was one of the best decisions in comic book movie history and I think it will only get better as he explores Stark’s character floors in the coming films.

News on who will play the Hulk, Thor and Captain America are expected in the coming weeks. It looks like the budget for this one is going to get BIG!


Head Hero said...

Are you excited?
I'm excited!
I hope Ed Norton stays as Hulk, but we will have to wait and see.

Matt said...

Very much so. I haven't actually seen the new Hulk yet - have heard mixed reviews - but I am a big fan of Ed Norton.