Monday, March 02, 2009

Michael Marshall Smith

In the past I made comments about no one reading my blog, only to be surprised to discover that some people actually were! It now appears that this number is growing (can't wait to hit double figures). I even have one person officially 'following' Films and Things - thanks James!

Once you get over the ego boost of such an event, which can take a while, you realise there are some real advantages to getting involved in this whole blogosphere thing (sorry, I know it's a crap word).

For example: as soon as you read the blog of someone who's reading your blog, you start to look at other people's blogs who read their blog but who have probably not seen your blog yet. Still with me? Good.

Killing time (that would be more effectively spent doing some actual work) by reading random people's blogs means that you sometimes come across great little finds like this interview with Michael Marshall Smith, one of my favourite authors.

The interview is well worth a read, whether you're familiar with Smith's work or not. Plus it includes a really amusing rant about Richard Dawkins, which is worth the admission fee alone.

P.S. A quick message to Phil over at the Live for Films blog (in case you're reading) - Any chance you can get Michael to send me a signed copy of The Servants?...

Go on, I'll be your best mate!


Head Hero said...

Movie bloggers unite!

Live for films said...

Nice post. I'll see what I can do about the signed MMS book. Don't hold your breath though.

Great blog. Keep on posting

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